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ian maxwell
Entry #234 posted on 23.07.2007, 16:23
Location: lockerbie scotland
Unit: 1 kosb
big grin
hi all brooke barracks 87 - 89. great posting, concerts nightlife and great people, miss spandau, local bars etc. anyone remember the rainbow bar? wow many late nights there, is it still going and are the rainbow warriors still out there lol.
Nick Redgwell
Entry #233 posted on 23.07.2007, 11:19
Location: North Devon UK
Unit: Allied Staff Berlin
I served in Berlin from 1979 to 1981 in the Allied Staff Berlin alongside Gaston Cyr, Bob Stack, Eric Adams and Perry White. Other Brits included:Pete Bedford, Colin Stevens, Dave Lovick, Malcolm Lawrence, Annie and Andy my former WO1. Brilliant posting!
John Meadows
Entry #232 posted on 20.07.2007, 16:53
Location: Now USA
Unit: 1st Bn The Welch Regiment
Brooke Barracks 1961-1963 Was on I.S. duty Aug 13. Did the train guard and the prison guard. Remember the Hofenblute bar very well (not forgetting the fifty ph bar). Have yet to go back and take a look.
Peter McDonagh
Entry #231 posted on 20.07.2007, 02:42
Location: Berlin
Unit: BFBS
Finally got Google Earth - looked up my old stamping ground - the Families' Pool, in the Stadium complex. I used to paddle there in the early fifties, learned to swim there in the late fifties, became a lifeguard there in the late 60s, and we had great fun avoiding the foreman and playing pontoon. Hey, Berlin - why have you let this pool go to ruin? What an act of vandalous neglect!!! It was a superb place for swimming, sunning and mild romance (well, it was the FAMILIES pool!)
Entry #230 posted on 17.07.2007, 12:49
Location: berlin
HI, i´m a berliner married to a jock who was stationed here with the allied forces in 1970. he was a postie. ROYAL ENGENEERS. is there somebody that ´minds` ALFIE POWELL ? i´d really love to hear from somebody.
Anthony Jackson
Entry #229 posted on 16.07.2007, 19:15
Location: Fort Smith, Arkansas
Unit: B Troop 3Rd Sq 7th Cav
I visisited Berlin in 1973 and had the opertunity to actually see Spandau Prison. I have allways been amased by its history.
Entry #228 posted on 16.07.2007, 18:42
Location: akron ohio
Unit: A Co. Field station berlin
In berlin from January 1976 to january 1977. Had a blast and can still taste the schultheiss bier served at the speakeasy run by Shirley?
John Hancock
Entry #227 posted on 13.07.2007, 12:09
Location: Norfolk, England
Unit: Headmaster Gatow School, Berlin
Hello!Look on eBay, our eBay name is alacarte_aujourd & you will see that we have 3 plaques for sale, namely 7 Flight Army Air Corps (stationed in Berlin), BRIXMIS (intelligence services) & BASC (Berlin Air Safety Centre).To follow soon will be plaques of RAF Gatow Berlin, 26 SU (Signals Unit based on RAF Gatow - intelligence services).Of interest as well are two Berlin Bulletins from 1994 which are currently for sale. Will be back with tales of Berlin & the days of the Allies there.John Hancock
John Hancock
Entry #226 posted on 13.07.2007, 12:05
Location: Norfolk, England
Unit: Headmaster, Gatow School, Berlin

I was Headmaster of Gatow School Berlin from Aug 1977 to Dec 1994. I would like to have the time right now to recall many, many tales of the 'Berlin days' but at this moment we are busy sorting out many 'treasures' from our years in Berlin!

John Hancock
Entry #225 posted on 09.07.2007, 20:24
Location: Bavaria / Germany
Unit: Brooke-BKS
"Get a Haircut - and get it now". Best regards from your Barber (1983 - 1994) Brooke BKS.
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