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Mr.Tracy Jones
Entry #344 posted on 14.11.2008, 15:05
Location: south bend Indiana
Unit: 4/502nd inf charlie co
big grin
Hey all of you vets I just to stay Happy Hero day..
according to my son...
I too have guarded the ruddy dude....summer 85...we took
over from the russian.
I went home and i was back in berlin in 6 months big grin
I work for the RAF in Gatow 88-91.
I have 20 pound chunk of the wall buried in my ex girlfriends back yard.
eric o leary
Entry #343 posted on 10.11.2008, 12:38
Location: watford
Unit: royal irish rangers
I served in berlin from 82 to 84 loved it.Was in wavell bks with 2nd irish rangers.Germans are great people and love the craic just like the irish.Faugh a ballagh
Jim Martin
Entry #342 posted on 07.11.2008, 11:53
Location: American born in England living in Berlin
Unit: 4th 502nd Inf
Hi, good to read about old times. smile
I also was stationed in Berlin 85'to 90'.
Did the Spandau in Dec.85'. but don't remember 6 guard posts,i thought there were only 5 post. Please look at the link. I did my time in guard post #3 ( the hangman post).
Served 10 years in the U.S.Arny, 5 years of that in Berlin.
got out in 91' after the Gulf War. Icame back to Berlin in 94'. big grin
marty trump
Entry #341 posted on 05.11.2008, 00:28
Location: cheshire
Unit: 38 fld sqn RE
Served in berlin from march 86 - march 89, was involved in the demolition of spandau prison after hess died, spent 14 days attached to the blackwatch guardroom (hows Sgt Sroggy bad ),
great three yrs best of the nine i served.Some great blokes all looked after easch other, great football team. big grin
John Wiseman
Entry #340 posted on 28.10.2008, 18:08
Location: Derbyshire, England
Unit: 247(Berlin)Pro Coy RMP
I served in the RMP 1960-1977 and in Berlin May 1961-May 64
Myself and another corporal were the first British soldiers at the Brandenburg Gate on the morning of Aug 13th 1961.

People I remember in 247 are RSM Bob ellis, OC Maj holten Hart, Fred Read, Roy Dichfield, Tommy Sergeant, Willy Thompson, Flogger Wilmshurst, Phil Fisher.

I would love to hear from anyone who knew me. Ex 247, 6 inf, 4 Gds, Malta, 227, Lisbon NI, London Dist.

John Wiseman
Entry #339 posted on 24.10.2008, 10:24
Location: Berlin Spandau
Unit: Germany
Hello everybody,

very nice site about berlin and the Military Prison. I live in Berlin Spandau and the city had a interested history. But I must say "no more war again"!! You can visit my site under Thank you for sign my guestbook.

Greetings from Berlin
Billy Sexton
Entry #338 posted on 23.10.2008, 19:15
Location: UK
Unit: 1BW
I was based at Montgomery Barracks from March 87-July 89 with the Black Watch.
I was in the Anti-Tank Platoon and the night that Hess died we were crashed out to take over guard duties at the prison from the Americans. It seemed like a matter of hours before the Sappers were in to tear the place down.

It was a brilliant posting but it couldn't last and we handed over to 1 RWF as we headed for 2 years in N.Ireland.
raymond malbrough
Entry #337 posted on 20.10.2008, 00:02
Location: houma louisiana
Unit: c battery 94th fa
i was stationed in berlin from 1963 till 1965 it was a great time, and i miss it a lot,
Colin Huggett
Entry #336 posted on 05.10.2008, 17:30
Location: Tunbridge Wells
Unit: 1st Grenadier Gds

Was in Berlin, Montgomery Barracks, 1954. Trying to write up my National Service but the mind is letting me down. Can anyone remind me of "Stand By" battalion and the duties, and length of the duty? I know there was a Stand By Company and a Stand By platoon which had to sleep virtually fully dressed and only had 20 mins to be on the road.

Best of luck everyone.
Entry #335 posted on 22.09.2008, 12:18
Location: Carluke SCOTLAND
Unit: 38(Berlin) fld sqn RE
I served in Berlin at Smuts Barracks from Oct 82 to feb 85. i was in mt troop then in to a field troop, i wish to get in touch with the old lads from then so please get in touch
I had the best time in my army career had a wee accident on the way back from Bavaria with the old merc tipper but was better of than the mt cpls it was a right of ........
so come on your sappers get in touch

on some bad news John Bunting passed away some years ago with cancer
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